
Django-dress-blog is a blogging app that allows authors post stories, quotes and diary entries.


Django-dress-blog is a blogging app inspired by Kevin Fricovsky’s django-mingus that offers authors three different type of posts: stories to write their own content, quotes to cite other people’s content, and the diary to micro-post on anything in a quick fashion.

Django-dress-blog is suitable for start-ups and other collaborative projects, may show posts’ author, and it comes with a fully functional theme based on twitter-bootstrap and support for extra themes.

Its search functionality make use of django-haystack, which supports up to four different search engines. The default installation uses xapian-haystack.

Using Django-dress-blog authors categorize content by tagging, what produces a Folksonomy, allowing categorization on the go rather than enforcing category creation in advance.


Installing Django-dress-blog is as simple as checking out the sources and adding the path to your project or PYTHONPATH.

Use git, pip or easy_install to check out Django-dress-blog from Github or get a release from PyPI:

  1. Use git to clone the repository, and then install the package (read more about git):
  • git clone git://github.com/danirus/django-dress-blog.git and
  • python setup.py install
  1. Or use pip (read more about pip):
  • Do pip install django-dress-blog, or
  • Edit your project’s requirements file and append either the Github URL or the package name django-dress-blog, and then do pip install -r requirements.
  1. Or use easy_install (read more about easy_install):
  • Do easy_install django-dress-blog


It is assumed you have pip installed and virtualenv. Although virtualenv is not a requirement, just a healthy recommendation. Configuration comprehends the following steps:

  1. Install the dependencies listed in the requirements file:

    pip install -r requirements
  2. Add the following entries to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py file:

  3. Some of the new installed apps requires extra configuration. Edit your settings.py file again and append the next entries:

    • For the comments app:

      COMMENTS_APP = 'django_comments_xtd'
      COMMENTS_XTD_SALT = 'es-war-einmal-una-bella-princesa-in-a-beautiful-castle'
    • For Django-tagging:

    • For sorl.thumbnail:

      THUMBNAIL_BACKEND = 'inline_media.sorl_backends.AutoFormatBackend'
    • For request:

      REQUEST_IGNORE_PATHS = (r'^admin/', r'^favicon.ico')
    • For Django-haystack, when using the Xapian search engine:

          'default': {
              'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.xapian_backend.XapianEngine',
              'PATH': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'xapian_index'),
    • For Django-dress-blog:

      DRESS_BLOG_THEMES_PATH = os.path.join(STATIC_ROOT, 'dress_blog/themes')
  4. To use the XapianEngine backend with Haystack you have to copy the xapian_backend.py file from the xapian_haystack directory into django-haystack’s backends directory. Go to your VirtualEnv src/ directory and copy the file:

    cp xapian-haystack/xapian_backend.py django-haystack/haystack/backends/
  5. Add a new context processor to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in your settings.py file:

  6. Edit your urls.py file and add the following entries:

    url(r'^blog/',            include('dress_blog.urls')),
    url(r"^comments/",        include("django_comments_xtd.urls")),
  7. Collect static files provided with Django-dress-blog:

    python manage.py collectstatic
  8. Build the Xapian search index in a regular basis to track new content added to your blog by running the following command:

    python manage.py rebuild_index
  9. Create database data structures:

    python manage.py syncdb
  10. Run you project dev web server and hit your project’s dress-blog URL <http://localhost:8000/blog>_:

    python manage.py runserver